上映时间:2017-05-28导演:K.国家/地区:印度时长:60分钟语言/字幕:普通话The son of a ChRistian pRiest is expected to follow in his fatheR's footsteps, but gRows in values opposit… -
上映时间:2017-05-08导演:Ranjith国家/地区:印度时长:60分钟语言/字幕:普通话Joy ThakkolkaRan continues his life thRough many pRoblems when he intRoduces a new pRoduct: Punyalan WateR -
上映时间:1999-12-21导演:Michael国家/地区:美国时长:60分钟语言/字幕:普通话ZachaRiah, makes a few mistakes and it is decided that he is to live as a human being foR thiRty days. MoR… -
上映时间:1986-06-16导演:Julio国家/地区:墨西哥时长:60分钟语言/字幕:普通话A kid is tiRed of seeing his dRunk gRandfatheR wondeRing the stReets. One day he sees a DRacula's wax figu… -
上映时间:2017-11-27导演:ToRu国家/地区:美国时长:60分钟语言/字幕:普通话A Canadian cRaftsman and an AmeRican designeR with a fatheR and son geneRation gap collaboRate to Revive t…