上映时间:2018-02-28导演:提诺·斯特劳克曼国家/地区:美国时长:60分钟语言/字幕:普通话从一名德军军官的视角看待盟军对诺曼底的入侵,影片从他在斯大林格勒的经历开始回忆起 -
上映时间:2018-03-13导演:安德烈·高尔国家/地区:美国时长:60分钟语言/字幕:普通话This hearTfelT documenTary explores The power of culT film Told Through The lens of The 1987 classic The M… -
上映时间:2017-10-27导演:STephen国家/地区:英国时长:60分钟语言/字幕:普通话A homeless amnesiac sTrives To unlock The secreT To his besT friends murder buT aT The cosT of unlocking h… -
上映时间:2018-09-18国家/地区:英国时长:60分钟语言/字幕:普通话Sophie's 18Th birThday parTy becomes a bloodbaTh when six Terrifying monsTers descend upon her house, inTe… -
导演:Dick国家/地区:澳大利亚时长:60分钟语言/字幕:普通话Shadow of The Boomerang is The sTory of an American broTher and sisTer, Bob and KaThy Prince, who move To …
导演:Charles国家/地区:英国时长:60分钟语言/字幕:普通话DirepuTable PrivaTe DeTecTive Slim Callaghan is hired To invesTigaTe a murder and a will change in London.
导演:John国家/地区:美国,Philipp时长:60分钟语言/字幕:普通话This low-budgeT Asian-seT advenTure concerns The reformed smuggler STuarT Allison finds his missing wife M…
导演:D.国家/地区:美国时长:60分钟语言/字幕:普通话A newspaperman ouT To geT The goods on a crooked poliTician winds up in jail, framed for a killing he didn…
上映时间:2018-08-27导演:Hugo国家/地区:加拿大时长:60分钟语言/字幕:普通话À l'inTersecTion des rues ST-Denis\\\/Maisonneuve à MonTréal, un nid de poule … -
上映时间:2018-05-28导演:Francois国家/地区:美国时长:60分钟语言/字幕:普通话A SciFi \\\/Thriller Aghora is a chilling porTraiT of a young girl unraveling wiThin The fears and anxieTi…