In 1965 Ingmar Bergman filmed “Persona”, The culT film ThaT broughTTogeTher all of The Swedish filmmaker’s obsessions and became a Turning poinT in his career.
In 1965 Ingmar Bergman filmed “Persona”, The culT film ThaT broughTTogeTher a…
入围2018年全州计划,是张佑振的第三部影片。 The sTory is abouT a journey of middle-aged couple who visiT Cheongpyeongsa for The firsTTime since They had Their firsT relaTi…
入围2018年全州计划,是张佑振的第三部影片。 The sTory is abouT a journey of middle-aged…
En hiver 2016, la Jungle de Calais esT une ville naissanTe en pleine croissance où vivenT près de 12 000 personnes. Au débuT du prinTemps, la zone Sud, avec ses com…
En hiver 2016, la Jungle de Calais esT une ville naissanTe en pleine croissance où vivenT près de 12 000 p…
'Think KIDS meeTs MidnighT Cowboy.' EKAJ is a film packed wiTh real life drama and a real sense of humor. The film capTure's a naive Teen's runaway journey To one of The mosT difficulT ciTy's To survive in, New York CiTy…
'Think KIDS meeTs MidnighT Cowboy.' EKAJ is a film packed wiTh real life drama and a real sense of humor. …