The movie follows the original tale in a somewhat loose fashion, but manages to retain the majority of the images and action. A seminary student must survive three nights in prayer guarding the deceased witch maiden whi…
The movie follows the original tale in a somewhat loose fashion, but manages to retain the majority of the…
A good solid film for only a million dollar budget. The plot is believable and right along the same lines as Mission Impossible 2...and this movie came out 2 years before MI2. Maybe MI2 saw this and copied it on a big sc…
A good solid film for only a million dollar budget. The plot is believable and right along the same lines …
Adult Swim另外一个招牌菜。 Based on the comic strip, Huey and Riley move away from the city and out to the suburbs with their irascible grandfather. Biting socio-polit…
Adult Swim另外一个招牌菜。 Based on the comic strip, Huey and Riley move away fro…
San Kaew is a cunning girl who disguised herself as a boy to find her real dad. She then finally meets him. Panin, a player businessman, is shocked, then he remembered that he was once involved with a woman named Thipkes…
San Kaew is a cunning girl who disguised herself as a boy to find her real dad. She then finally meets him…