Dez, a maverick teenage leprechaun with rookie wish-granting powers, goes on wild escapades with his friends, a Japanese ghost girl named Akiko and a puffin called Puffin, as they wrestle with wishes gone fantastically o…
Dez, a maverick teenage leprechaun with rookie wish-granting powers, goes on wild escapades with his frien…
This version establishes a dramatic connection with Great Ormond Street, the world famous children's hospital that has become irrevocably associated with Peter Pan. The story will be retold through the imagination of a y…
This version establishes a dramatic connection with Great Ormond Street, the world famous children's hospi…
A group of high school seniors embark on a spring break camping trip to investigate the myths they had been researching and learning from their History teacher. During their trip, they stumble on an old haunted Indian Bu…
A group of high school seniors embark on a spring break camping trip to investigate the myths they had bee…