- 3.01号街的奇迹,Miracle on 1st Street
- 10.0The Night
- 2.0剪刀石头布,包剪捶,Melody in Love,Cloth, Scissors, Rock
- 6.0After Midnight
- 7.0丛林启示录2023,丛林启示录
- 10.0爱·面子
- 9.0高清
- 1.0Halfway to Somewhere
- 1.0Juno少女孕记(港),鸿孕当头(台)
- 5.0Looking at Classmate
- 5.0高清
- 9.0当我们初次相遇
- 9.0朝鲜花美男(台),青楼少爷,妓坊公子,妓院公子,妓生房朗子,Gibang Bachelor,Homme Fatale
- 3.0大鼻子情圣:恋爱操作团,恋爱炒作团,Cyrano Agency
- 4.0高清
- 8.0An Unforgettable Year: Summer
- 4.0A Thousand Clouds of Peace
- 8.0柏林1948,空中大撤退,空投柏林,The Airlift,Berlin Airlift
- 3.0轻微坡度,顺风
- 9.0The Venus Effect
- 4.0与爱同居特别篇,与爱同居第13集,เกลียดนักมา,TharnType Special: Our Last Love
- 6.0道德感,Moral Sense,Love and Leashes
- 4.0Have A Good Night
- 4.0阿富汗恋曲,Three Songs for Benazir
- 9.0Still out of My League
- 3.0高清
- 3.0Annapurna
- 2.0爱上大叔行不行(台),One Wild Moment
- 9.0the secret weapon
- 2.0高清