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简介:<p>  Jamez Bond is the lead character in Spoof, a frustrated one, since he&#39;s not able to figure out a way to complete his famous sentence: &quot;My name is...&quot;, before getting shot. Yep, this is the news: finally, after 50 years, the gun in the gun-barrel sequence shoots our hero and several other challenges will arise, till the sky-fall... Leatherfaze from the Texas Chainzaw Mazzacre and the Alfraid Hitchcock silhouette, from the TV show will face no lesser complications in trying to turn a chainsaw on and in overcoming common fears, because the Master of Suspence will appear to be surprisingly more fearful than the victims in his movies... But he&#39;s in good company, since an animated Inspector Clouzeau, from The Pink Panfher&#39;s saga title sequence, won&#39;t prove to be brave enough in fighting a pink panther that&#39;s much wilder than we used to know... Rochy Balboa will show the other characters what it takes to fight your inner enemies, in &quot;Rochy vs Ranbo&quot;, but won&#39;t be prepared for an unexpected ...</p>…

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