  • BD
  • 主演:程枫 尹航 李芯逸
  • 地区:中国大陆
  • 年代:2016





简介:讲述了年轻人之间的故事,一个来自农村的女孩小秋,在以小商品批发市场闻名的义乌的种种经历。义乌底层的城市景观,充斥着廉价劳动力与隐秘的欲望,小秋为了反抗父母的“包办婚姻”,从老家来到这里,成为辛苦的流水线女工。小秋怀揣梦想,一边打工一边做小生意赚钱。小秋在城里结识了同乡阿城。阿城不断骚扰着小秋,阿城演绎着打工者的欲望与无奈。最后小秋阴差阳错成为了性工作者,再次与阿城相见,两人身份已成对位。最后,偌大的城市并没有小秋的容身之所,醒悟后的小秋想逃离这座城市,但不知去往何处,农村成了她回不去的家乡。The movie \\\"Red\\\" describes the story of a young girl. The girl, Xiao Qiu is from the countryside who works in a small commodity wholesale shop in Yiwu. The bottom of the Yiwu's city landscape is full of cheap labor and hidden desires. In order to rebel against her parents' \\\"arranged marriage\\\" plan, Xiao Qiu left her village to do hard, laborious work. Her dream was to labor while also working on the side at a small business in order to make money. It was here that Xiao Qiu became acquainted with A Cheng, a person from her same village. A Cheng constantly harassed Xiao Qiu. Finally, Xiao Qiu was forced into sex work and met A Cheng again, and the identity of the two aligned. Finally, the huge city did not become Xiao Qiu's home, and she recognized that she had to leave the city, however she did not know where to go. All that she did know was that she could not go back to her rural hometown.…

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