-Michael Lennick,简介,照片,视频,获奖,作品,经历MichaelLennick


  • 加拿大加拿大编剧,视觉效果,剪辑师,
  • 别名:Michael Lennick
  • 外文名:未知
  • 身高:未知
  • 星座:射手座
  • 人气:41206°
  • 介绍:Michael Lennick was born in Toronto, Canada, the son of Canadian actors Sylvia Lennick and Ben Lennick. He and his siblings, David and Julie, were raised in the wings of numerous Canadian stages and film sets following their peripatetic parents' careers. Michael read a ridiculous amount of classic science fiction and hard science books during this period, an infusion that informed (if not triggered) most of his eventual careers.Michael …


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