
  • 加里·格兰特在片中扮演一位画家,秀兰·邓波儿饰演一个纯真的年轻姑娘,玛娜·洛伊扮演年轻姑娘的姐姐。年轻姑娘…
  • 拉里跳海打救一酒鬼不料却被船桨扑晕,醒来后鬼上身唤回了第二人格,变成了另一人凯里。那只好跟那酒鬼后化名雷恩…
  • An explosives manufacturer suspects a young man is out to kill him. He calls in new parents Nick and Nora …
  • Evelyn Prentice is the respected wife of a high-profile New York attorney. Despite the prestige and status…
  • 故事发生在1945年,弗雷德(达纳·安德鲁斯 Dana Andrews 饰),艾尔(弗雷德里克·马奇 Fredric Marc…
  • 罗伯特.Z.伦纳德导演的这部影片以百老汇最大的歌舞团——齐格菲歌舞团的创办人佛罗伦斯.齐格菲的生平为题材,…
  • Steve and Susan Ireland are about to celebrate their 4th wedding anniversary by re-enacting their first da…
  • Nick and Nora's hopes for a pleasant afternoon at the local race track are dashed when a jockey is found s…
  • 本片的基调基本阐述妻子和秘书两者的重要性,若男士是工作狂,那他会跟秘书相处的时间会久些;若把家庭排在人生首…
  • The adventurous Lady Edwina Esketh travels to the princely state of Ranchipur in India with her husband, L…
  • In London, a newly-wed American woman's sanity comes into question, when she claims to be the victim of a …
  • Eager to land a journalistic position, Adam White goes to work as an advice-giving newspaper columnist. Hi…
  • Waldo and Irene have been living with Margit for the four years that they have been engaged. Margit has pl…
  • Nick和Nora 这对搞笑侦探夫妻档总是连手出击调查案件。这回他们要着手的是一位发明家失踪的案子,要找出为何会失…
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