
  • 평강공주와 바보온달 야사를 영화화한 이규웅 감독의 두 번째 연출작. 아름답고 슬기로운 평강공주역의 김지미가…
  • Choi So-young (Choi Eun-hee), a poor female law student is in trouble because her grandmother, who had bee…
  • 李淑姬丧夫8年,在一家洋装店工作,欠了大笔债务。在出版社任职的金成奎帮她垫付了所有债务,两人相爱。但是,成…
  • In order to have help in raising his three children and in taking care of his house, a widowed principal o…
  • Son Hak-su (Kim Seung-ho) is a middle school teacher who barely gets by on his income because he's paying …
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