
  • 森林边缘的寂寞

    In this film, a couple, after seeing the lovely job a friend of theirs has done in converting an old mill …
  • A workman is accidentally sent into outer space, where he meets an alien that can make himself invisible. …
  • 捷克某小镇,一年一度的消防员舞会再次到来。今年的舞会有项特别的内容,患有癌症的老局长(Jan Vostrcil 饰)…
  • 1942年,沦陷的斯洛伐克某小镇上,德国人正在主持修建庞大的木制纪念碑,但当地木匠托尼(Jozef Króner 饰)…
  • A group of Czech artists choose to ignore the realities of Nazi occupation in this brooding experimental w…
  • 冬天的小苍蝇

  • Synopsis: One of Gustav Machaty's (Ecstasy) major achievements, From Saturday to Sunday is marked by a…
  • In the time of Counter-Reformation, a miller and his son come under investigation by a priest of the Inqui…
  • 帅克从外表上看去胖乎乎的,有点傻里傻气,实际上他性情憨厚、心地善良耿直、喜欢直话直说。在第一次世界大战期间…
  • As its title suggests THE FABULOUS WORLD OF JULES VERNE is an awe -inspiring, meticulous cinematic renderi…
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