- 8.0要命爱上你(台),时下的女性,Rodney&Sheryl,TheDatingGame
- 1.0WarandRevolt,Uprising
- 8.0TheMeridianofWar
- 10.0UnluckySisters
- 4.0高清
- 5.0高清
- 10.0游击队,战火的彼岸,老乡,Paisan
- 10.0Battlefield
- 8.0UntamedRoyals
- 9.0珍妮特星球JanetPlanet2023,珍妮特星球JanetPlanet
- 9.0TheLastFrontier,Podolskiyekursanty,TheFinalStand,致命最前线
- 10.0HD
- 9.0HD
- 3.0HD
- 5.0HD
- 3.0HD
- 6.0已完结
- 1.0已完结
- 10.0已完结
- 9.0已完结
- 7.0已完结
- 6.0已完结
- 4.0高清
- 1.0No Looking Back,Plus rien à perdre
- 6.0The Last Race,Wings of Eagles,Wings of Freedom
- 8.0战火情天(港),伊斯坦堡救援(台),寻水之人,觅水者,水占卜师
- 9.0拥抱世界尽头的温柔(港),La Tendre Indifférence du monde,The Gentle Indifference of the World,Laskovoe bezrazlichie mira
- 8.0Odna
- 2.0Returning to the ‘A’,The Return to Afghanistan
- 1.0Juno少女孕记(港),鸿孕当头(台)